Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

7500 State Road, Parma, Ohio, 44134 | 440-845-2230 | Directions


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  1. Believers in Jesus will NOT be disappointed

    Romans 10:8-13 · 3/6/2022

    Learn about the vital connection between believing and confessing!

  2. God's Anger... - Dr Phillip Giessler

    Romans 1:18-32 · 6/28/2020

    What God has to say about problems in our society today!

  3. Homosexuality - Part 1

    Romans 1:18-32 · 6/25/2000

    Learn the sad outcome of those who go their own way and do not repent.

  4. Homosexuality - Part 2

    Romans 1:18-32 · 7/2/2000

    Since all have sinned, let us all repent and receive God's gift of forgiveness through Jesus!

  5. How We Become & Became Righteous

    Romans 1:16-17 · 10/30/2016

    For heaven we MUST be righteous in God's sight; listen and benefit!